FREE is not always FREE... :-(
In our Studios we make sure to use the latest technologies out there to provide our clients with the most cost effective solution.
When you search the web for FREE WEBSITES, there is a whole bunch of sites that offer the so call FREE service.
Well... we looked around to see what the industry is producing and realize that instead of fighting the FREE websites era we should join.
Most of the times our clients want a customized website but they really have a budget for a template based one. So free tools like weebly make us more approachable to any kind of budget.
With tools like weebly we can take the power of a big company developing robust programs, use their templates and customize them to our client's needs.
The result: Wonderful useful and cost effective websites for our customers.
Now FREE is not always FREE:While developing a decent website is free with weebly. The hook is on the hosting... They will have you forever as long as you have your business and the comfort of being able to modify things on your own.
But you might be wondering. Why do I need Samito Studios is this process?.
Well because we make this tool reach their highest potential in design and programming. There are many things that cannot be done with weebly and for that you need a customized website. But with the plenty of tools they offer you can start any business or even inprove the current one in very few simple steps.
Samito Studios is here to...
- Customize your template
- Teach you how to use it
- Include some customized programming features
- Maintain your website
- & much, much, more...
To Learn more about our Special EXPRESS Service with FREE tools like weebly go to